Hospitality services vary. They include, inter alia, short-term letting of houses, rooms, flats, accommodation, rental of places for tents or caravans. Places where hotel services are provided must meet appropriate sanitary requirements and those concerning the size and equipment of the facility. When planning to establish a hotel, the future entrepreneur must take into account that additional requirements must be met. The place where hotel services are to be rendered must meet appropriate sanitary, construction and fire safety conditions. It must also have an appropriate number of rooms and facilities for providing services with catering or relaxation for guests.

1. Registration

In order to commence operation, a hotel facility must be classified in a specific type and category and entered in the hotel facility register. In order to obtain the classification, the entrepreneur must submit his/her hotel facility for assessment. The Province Marshal keeps an open register of hotel facilities, in which all hotels and boarding houses are entered. A fee is charged for the assessment.

2. Location

When selecting a place to set up a tourist business, several important issues should be taken into account. It should be remembered that the priority when selecting the location should be attractiveness for potential customers, which consists of many factors, e.g. proximity of nature, shops, swimming pools and tourist attractions such as beaches, lakes, mountain trails or spas. Many potential clients also pay attention to accessibility to public transport or car rental companies. Location is a key element when planning this type of business. If the place is not interesting for customers, even a low price or good quality of services will not encourage them to come.

3. Advertising

Adding comprehensive information about the region on the hotel’s website is important for one reason. Tourists sometimes first look for information about an interesting location or attraction in the region, and by coming to the hotel or guesthouse website for this information (when the page shows up in search results), they are more likely to book accommodation there. This is not only a strategic action in terms of website positioning, but also to build the image of the facility as rooted in a specific region.

4. Requirements
The Act on Tourist Services also stipulates that it is necessary for the owner or lessee of the hotel to place its name in a suitably conspicuous place on the facility. It is also important to have a sign nearby informing potential clients about the type and category of the services provided (e.g. two-star hotel, rooms from 100 PLN). At the hotel reception, there should be a detailed list of prices and important information about the facility (rooms for disabled persons, meal times). In every hotel, the guest must have access to hot and cold running water, and bed linen, blankets and towels in the room.

5. Start-up

Experts estimate that around 1 million zlotys is enough to start a hotel. The business can turn out to be extremely profitable in case of a convenient location, especially in the vicinity of tourist attractions. Good will, determination and an interesting idea give you a chance to achieve success.
On our fanpage you will find information on all topics related to opening your own hotel, such as gastronomy, choice of location, logo and name, and profitability of such an investment.